And Babies
Family Oriented Birth
Birth News //
New Studies Confirm Safety of Home Birth With Midwives in the US
January 30th, 2014
This article finds that women who plan a homebirth with a Licensed Midwife have fewer interventions without an increase risk to mom or baby.
ACOG's VBAC Bulletin
August 2010
Have had a previous Cesarean section and would like ACOG's reccomendation about a Vaginal Birth After Cesearean
RCOG Statement #1
January 2001
Many women are curious about the use of water submersion during labor and birth, as well as its saftey.

Meet Robin Allec CPM, LM
I am a mother of 3 beautiful children. From the time I was young and birthed my first son I knew I wanted to be a part of pregnancy and birth helping women feel empowered, confident and supported. Homebirth and Midwifery has allowed me this opportunity. I strive to help families achieve their desired birth, in the comfort of their home.

Why Not Homebirth?
-Home birth has been proven to be as safe if not safer for low risk pregnant women than the hospital with fewer medical interventions.
-Home birth Cesearean rate is @7% vs hospitals are at least 30 %
-When giving birth at home, mothers, babies,and families are not seperated but encouraged to participate.
-Mothers have the freedom to labor and birth "their way" with the support of a medical professional.

Good Bye to California and
all the sweet families
Testimony from:
Robin is the most incredible person. This was my first pregnancy and I started out going to kaiser and it was a terrible experience for myself and my family and my husband googled midwifes and Robin came up and we’ve been with her ever since. All the wonderful and informative visits, taking my weight, checking my blood pressure, babies heartbeat and just always being there through every question and concern. My birth was incredible and at home with all my family. Robin and her daughter in law Jade were the most calming, supportive and knowledgeable people and made my birth so easy and the most beautiful experience and moment of my entire life. My baby is a month old now and she still follows up and is there for any question or concern you have! I’m so blessed to have this experience and it wouldn’t have been possible without robin! She made me know and believe what me and most all women are capable of. A beautiful natural birth and I’m forever grateful for this experience!

Things to help you decide on having an out of hospital birth
- Midwives offer personalized care
- Cash clients are accepted, payment plans available
- Midwives provide prenatal & postpartum care in a comfortable setting
-Homebirth and Birth Center Births are a safe alternative for a low risk pregnancys